Local Rancher Selling Beef At Local Farmers Market On Town Square.

No, not THIS fake rancher asswipe!

Fake rancher and real communist Clayton Tucker demands free shit while standing on a street corner. That makes him a panhandler.

He’s still “working on a website” to sell his meat even after five generations of Tuckers! Funny how he’s able to quickly throw up a website for a money-begging, non-profit grifting scheme like his recent Farm & Food Action PAC with fellow grifter Kristi Lara.

But when it comes to ACTUAL work or business, he’s gotten nothing accomplished for the last EIGHT MONTHS!

Sad. I guess he’s still WAY too busy wasting time at unpaid conventions like these….

He’s also wasting a lot of time being a “White Dude For Harris! on social media….

No, I’m talking about REAL ranchers with REAL products – Bison Cove Ranch! And they’ll be selling their products just TWO BLOCKS from Clayton Tucker’s mom’s house, where Clayton lives in the upstairs bedroom. Talk about moving in on your home turf!

I love it! While fake rancher Clayton Tucker has been yammering about being a rancher and “currently building a website” for the last eight months (while also killing a lot of goats by accident) this REAL ranch just drives right up and plants their flag in Clayton’s mom’s driveway, basically! BAHAHAHAHA. Hilarious. What a tool.

But yeah, it’s “Big Ag” and global warming that is making things impossible for his “family ranch,” NOT his complete lack of effort.

[That would be the same driveway that was sporting a foreign flag for quite a while in 2022….]