Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker Cries About ‘Greedy Corporations’ – Misses Out On At LEAST $102,000 Due To His Own Stupidity And Laziness.

Comrade Clayton is MAD at those “greedy corporations”!

Talk about missing the boat. Wow.

That line at S&P 1310 represents the year Comrade Clayton graduated college (May 2012). Today it’s at around 5350 – more than FOUR TIMES higher.

Comrade Clayton Tucker COULD have gone out and gotten a real job in 2012 after he graduated with a useless $80,000 “International Relations” degree. He COULD have NOT gone prancing around Asia on mommy and daddy’s dime. He COULD have put aside a little money every month and invested it in those “greedy corporations” he hates so much…

[That $6,000 represents the initial seed money he likely wasted on “publishing” his book back when grandpa passed away and left him a chunk of change!]

He COULD have started building real skills and working his way up the ladder and would NOW be about 12 years into a lucrative career.

But instead, he did shit like thiswhich pays nothing and accomplished nothing either….

He cries about “greedy corporations” even as he wears Apple Air Pods that cost $250. Ironically, he is supposedly the FOUNDER and MANAGER of RX Ranch – which is a corporation ostensibly involved in selling beef (LOL) to the masses. In other word, he HIMSELF is head of a corporation that is selling a product that is rapidly-increasing in price.

Why did the “greed” only start in 2020, you dumb shit?
Dummy hands $250 to Tim Cook instead of investing in Apple stock. Super bad move, retard.

Ouch. Bad play. You can NEVER get the last 12 years back. You fucked up. Badly.

If only he had just set aside a measly $200 a month and blindly invested it in an S&P tracking fund this entire time, he would have well over $100,000 and could MAYBE move out of his mom’s house, get a chick, get laid and maybe stop being a miserable, envious commie loser.

Now he’s totally screwed until mom and dad die and hand him their assets – so he’s a full-blown commie who wants to take YOUR stuff. Actually, it’s worse than that. He doesn’t have the balls to come over and take your stuff personally – so he’s voting for an idiot Marxist WOMAN for president so she can steal it for him. What an embarrassment to his entire family. I shit on you and all other Tuckers. You are a pox on humanity.

Economics 101. My 9-year-old understands this. Comrade Clayton does NOT.