Socialist Wet Wipe Clayton Tucker All In On “White Dudes for Kamala” – Which Seems To Be A Gay Group.

I’ve been away on vacation for the last week or so and seem to be out of the loop. What’s with the left calling the right “weird” now? Is that supposed to be like some really stinging insult or something? I don’t get it.

Then again the left completely sucks at memes. A bunch of ACTUAL weirdos calls me “weird” and I supposedly start crying like the guy in the idiotic cartoon? LOL.

So the party that has men wearing dresses and cutting of their dicks says the other side is “weird”? That makes absolutely no sense and is easily destroyed with a couple of photos…

But now that the commies have undemocratically appointed Kamala and radical Marxists like Comrade Clayton are starting to realize just how FAR LEFT she really is, he’s all on board! He’s a “white dude for Kamala,” apparently!

Of course, “white dudes for Kamala” are all fat, doughy losers who look like incels, cuckolds and soy boy beta males. So he fits right in there…