How dare you! HOW DARE YOU!! Trying to disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters who want to pull the lever for Kennedy. Guess all that democracy shit is going out the window AGAIN! Twice in a week!

I already look down on lefty Marxist hypocrites like Clayton Tucker, Seefeldt, Haywood, Carol Garner Doughty and Stephanie Fitzharris. They are like a smear of dogshit on my shoe. If any one of them was on fire in front of me, I wouldn’t even waste a good piss on them – I’d break out the marshmallows. If they were drowning in front of me, I’d throw them 10 cinder blocks. That’s how little regard I have for them.
They have zero brains, zero knowledge of any issue beyond propaganda slogans, zero courage, zero ethics, and zero consistency on anything. They are 100% sheep without an original thought in their tiny heads. Like Clayton Tucker screaming for taxpayer-funded solar panels and EV trucks when he drives a gas truck himself and has ZERO solar panels on his mom’s house.
Now they are even lower than dog shit smears, in my book. They are lower than the lowest level of prehistoric frog shit at the bottom of the New Jersey scum swamp.
They get whipped like dogs by the Dem elites and told who their candidate is, and they just roll over like pussies, all the while bleating like sheep about “democracy!” – and now they are trying to dictate who the voters of Texas get to vote for! The NERVE of these assholes!
I shit on all of youse.