I Can See Comrade Clayton Tucker Writing Something This Stupid and Fake.

Sounds EXACTLY like something Comrade Clayton would write on his now-abandoned, failed Substack. Poor Clayton. He thought he was going to charge people money to read about his stupid goats. He posted a couple times and then quit – just like everything else he does.

How about it, Comrade? That you?

In other news, he continues to push the undemocratically-appointed DEI candidate full throttle.

Apparently he forgot that Kamala is absolutely HORRIBLE on the marijuana issue – an issue that is very important to Comrade Clayton. Kamala jailed a disproportionate amount of black men on marijuana violations then laughed about it when asked if she smoked marijuana. Tulsi Gabbard absolutely destroyed her four years ago on that very issue…..

Libshits stuck saying “YAY! We actually wanted Kamala the whole time! Our presidential candidate performing so badly in the debates that he had to end his entire political career is actually a huge WIN for us,” has to be one of the most transparent and desperate copes of all time.

It’s actually a poetic way to end this year of reckoning with the madness of DEI. It concludes with the DEI Vice President likely becoming the nominee despite not receiving a single vote. Very fitting that the first black female presidential nominee was handed the job and didn’t earn it.