Talbert Sets Another $21,700 On Fire On The Goat Pasture. Or Maybe It’s $27,650

From the Radiogram…

“City Manager Finley DeGraffenreid informed the board that the only thing “remarkable” about the EDC’s finance statement as of June 30th, was the cost for the foundation of one of the monument signs in the business park, which totaled $5,950.

DeGraffenried later informed us in an interview that the cost for the monument signs is currently $21,700. That price includes the cost of one sign’s block, its lettering, and installation. Some of the cost for the second sign is included in that price as well.”

In typical Radiogram fashion, it is very unclear what the total amount is because Witcher writes like a fourth-grader.

Regardless of the exact number, it’s clear another big pile of money was set on fire over at the goat pasture – and it was spent on a sign for a “business park” that is STILL completely empty after 20 years! We won’t know the details until the minutes are released in a month.