Camel Toe Harris The Heir Apparent – Now At 80% To Be Nominee

Kamala Harris got her start in politics by blowing and banging Willie Brown.

She became Vice President because Biden needed a non-white female on the ticket.

Now she likely becomes the Democratic nominee for president because the guy at the top of the ticket has dementia.

She’s made a career out of begging for hand-outs from powerful men. A thoroughly unimpressive human being.

She is currently trading around 80 cents to become the Dem nominee. I find it VERY hard to believe they are going to allow her to be The One. I am starting to subscribe to the new rumor that Hillary Clinton herself will weasel her way into the spot. She’s definitely worth a shot at 30-1 odds, imho. We shall see.

The best part of all this is watching the VERY stupid libs on Twitter absolutely SHOCKED that Biden has pulled out. Like, they REALLY had no idea this would happen. They were also shocked at the debate last month when it came out that Joe has totally lost his marbles.

It must suck to go through life THAT stupid and unable to see reality for what it is.

One of the best is the colossal moron Jasmine Crock-a-shit:

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please, somebody go do a wellness check on Haywood!!