This must be a typo. Comrade Clayton ASSURED me that inflation is only 3% these days.

In a move that will shock nobody, “staff recommends approval of the renewal rates” [UP 11.72%] so everyone can keep their “premiere” health insurance with Baylor Scott & White [page 141]. I brought this up over a month ago…
City About To Take Pipe On Massive Health Insurance Premium Increases
Pretty brutal seeing a 25% jump in the last two years. I covered the huge 13% jump last year as well…
National Health Insurance Premiums Rise 6% – But City Rates Went Up 13%!!
Funny – during the “pandemic” when dummies like Fitzharris were hysterical with fear over “everyone overcrowding the hospitals,” rates barely moved at all.
The new rates will cost the City close to TWO MILLION dollars per year. Or approximately $17,000 for each of the City’s 116 employees [rough estimates – see page 142].
Remember all this when Finley and Ryan are insisting everyone get a 4% raise in their salary in a month or so. Because THEY sure won’t mention the fact that the City just ate another huge increase in benefits.