Democrats Now Face The Kobayashi Maru.

Every red-blooded man in America should be familiar with the Kobayashi Maru. If for no other reason than Kirstie Alley made for a smoking-hot Vulcan who made many a 12 and 13-year-old boy all tingly in his nether regions back in 1982’s Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn.

[Hey – there was no Internet back in 1982. It was this or Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. That’s all we had, man!]

The democrats are now facing their very own Kobayashi Maru: the ultimate “no win situation.”

Their best option? Jettison Biden and Kamala right now and then hold an open primary next month to try and find SOMEONE, ANYONE who can poll close enough to Trump that they can cheat their way over the finish line with stuffed drop boxes and harvested fake ballots from nursing homes.

Unfortunately, by doing that they look like complete hypocrites by disenfranchising 14 million primary voters. Not that they care about looking like hypocrites. They do that every day. So that’s the least of their concerns – they have zero shame.

More “troubling” to them is they risk the optics of passing over the “black woman” who is the “rightful heir apparent.” This is a pile of shit, if you ask me. Kamala couldn’t even muster 1% when she ran in the primaries against Biden four years ago – and black chicks make up WAY MORE than 1% of the population. Conclusion? Black women hate her just as much as everyone else. Kamala’s bargaining position is WILDLY overestimated by the talking heads and especially by Kamala herself.

If the party ended up picking Whitmer (vagina!), the MSM would quickly fall in line and you’d never even hear the name “Kamala” uttered again for the rest of your life. So forget about that argument. The dems would run over 100 black women with a bus if they thought it would help them beat Trump.

No, the REAL problem is that Biden’s brain is so far gone, he literally cannot comprehend all the polls, stats and figures placed right in his stupid face: YOU WILL NOT WIN. What’s worse, he cannot get close enough to Trump to allow them to cheat their way past the gap. The gap is too big.

Next best option? Get Joe out and let Kamala run since it’s “her turn” now. This is an even bigger disaster. I’m pretty sure that the odds of this happening are close to zero. She’s hated universally.

So we are left with: let Joe have his way, do nothing, let the party infight for the next four months, watch Biden fuck up more and more [yesterday he mistook another woman for his wife] and watch as Biden not only gets destroyed and humiliated but takes the entire down-ballot with him. Result? GOP takes all three branches of government. Disaster indeed, if you are a lefty scumbag.

So…what to do? Maybe there is no answer. This is the ultimate Kobayashi Maru. The “no win situation.” They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

What a shame.