He has delivered unto me many blessing yet again. As I was digging into this outstanding plate of oysters Rockefeller yesterday…

I was treated to many boner-inducing headlines….

How does Biden have Covid? He was vaccinated and boosted many, many times! The TV said so!
Schmuck Schumer and Adam Schitt are the latest rats to jump ship. Adam Schitt is the hand puppet of Pelosi and has close ties to the intelligence community. Schmuck Schumer is the Senate leader. When they are calling for Biden’s head, it’s his head they will eventually have. I’m just shocked it’s taking this long. They are making things WAY worse by dithering.
As Tony Soprano once said: “more is lost by indecision than by wrong decision.”
You know who Biden is right now? He’s that youngest red-headed douchebag kid from The Murtaugh Murders who was totally wasted and refused to give up the keys to his boat. He’s all fucked up and mumbling and everyone is like “Dude! Don’t drive the boat! You’re all fucked up in the head and soused in booze!” but of course they get on the boat with him anyways – kind of like AOC yammering about how “I’m with Joe!” as he careens towards certain disaster!

But Biden just rants and yells and can’t see reality. Just like Paul Murtaugh.
You know what happened next? BidenMurtaugh crashed the boat into the bridge and killed the pretty young girl. That pretty young girl is their election chances.

Furthermore, Biden is SO CLEARLY fucked up right now that if/when they finally force him out of the race there needs to be questions about resigning altogether. He clearly is NOT in charge of anything right now. The TRUE cowards are the cabinet members who refuse to use the 25th Amendment on Biden. They are the real pieces of shit, along with fake doctor Jill Biden, of course.