The LEDC sure does know how to pick em!
The last time I got vibes like this, it was from Eco-Strong. Which turned out to be a giant scam that collapsed suddenly when Mike Cour informed the City he would need to be handed $1.8 million dollars to do us the courtesy of starting a business here.
Amermin (horrible name!!) is sounding EXACTLY like Mike Cour did in the beginning: evasive and caught in a lie immediately.
There was an article posted online recently by Marissa Heffernan of E-Scrap News. In it, she informed us that Amermin (terrible name!) currently has “a main processing facility in Lampasas, Texas.”

I had never heard of this company and I’ve lived here 12 years. I also Googled “Amermin” and came up with NOTHING in Lampasas. So the next logical thing to do was email Heffernan and ask her where she got this information.
Heffernan was apparently too chickenshit to answer me (first red flag!) and instead ratted me out to Lauren Brown – who works for a third-party public relations firm! Very weird (second red flag).
Here is the email from Lauren:
Hi there,
Marissa Heffernan shared your email with me and I wanted to reach out. As you’re aware, Michael Gostkowski with AMERMIN will be presenting at the LEDC meeting this evening. He would be happy to answer any questions and meet you in person!
If you’re unable to attend, I can connect you and help set up a time for you to chat.
Thank you!
Notice she STILL doesn’t answer the question I asked Marissa: where is this processing plant in Lampasas?? What is the address? So, I responded thusly:
So there IS no plant in Lampasas? The article was incorrect?
Lauren responded yet again:
Will you be at the event tonight? If not, please share your phone number.
Yes, there is a facility at 20300 Ranch to Market Rd 963.
Ah! An address. Now we are getting somewhere. Of course, this address is not in Lampasas – it is in Bertram. Weird that the company, the public relations firm and the chick who wrote the article ALL got that wrong. They also don’t seem to be interested in correcting it. Third red flag!

So I just happened to be in the area on my way home from Georgetown yesterday and I checked the Amermin (awful name!!) ‘processing facility’…

As you can see, it’s essentially a junkyard. Bags of shit piled everywhere and a ton of rusty old drill bits. If the LEDC thinks something like this is going to “create lots of high-paying jobs,” they will be sorely disappointed. I don’t care how many shit sandwiches Gostosky fed to Talbert last night – this sounds like more pie-in-the-sky nonsense a la Mike Cour, Martin’s Rod and the rest of the pipe dreamers.
It’s located about 10 miles south of the Lampasas county line and 12 miles south of the “business park” itself. Now, why would they need a NEW junkyard so close to the OLD junkyard? Besides all the free shit Talbert will hand them, I mean.
Looking forward to seeing the minutes of last night’s LEDC meeting in about a month. Until then….