I feel like I’m at a fancy seafood buffet with all my favorite shit piled high: oysters, salmon sashimi, lobster, clam chowder, mussels, steamer clams. Then over there on the dessert table, it’s crème brûlée, hot fudge sundaes and Reese’s Ice Cream Cake from HEB.
It’s like the Cousins Lobster Truck pulled up to my house and they said “eat everything you can for free – we leave in two hours.”
It’s just simply too much. I am overwhelmed. I need to start making a list before I forget all this wonderful, wonderful news. I want to be able to savor each morsel for a while before the next one arrives. The last few weeks have been almost too much. Today was a prime example:
That corrupt scumbag Bob Menendez was FINALLY nailed to the wall for taking payoffs as a senator….

Bob has been a piece of shit FOREVER. His conviction in Washington is monumental. He was one of the untouchables. Despite long being viewed as corrupt, Menendez wielded power with abandon for his own benefit. Menendez tried to convince the jury that this was a “Cuban thing.” They clearly viewed it as a “corruption thing.” He now likely faces expulsion in the Senate. The Senate is mostly corrupt too, but they view THIS type of corruption as very prehistoric and crass. Gold bars and cash stuffed in a closet? How very 1960s. Bye bye Bob.
Fat Hollywood douchebag Jack Black got in serious hot water and had to cancel his tour. Hopefully that costs him a small fortune….

Weeks after musician and actor Jack Black appeared at Joe Biden’s Hollywood fundraiser to tell people “democracy is at stake,” he’s canceled the rest of his Australian tour after bandmate Kyle Gass said on Sunday that his birthday wish would be “don’t miss Trump next time.“
Australians were outraged at Gass’s comment – with senator Ralph Babet demanding that the pair be deported.
“I call on the prime minister Anthony Albanese to join me in denouncing Tenacious D, Jack Black and band member Kyle Gass, and I call on the immigration minister Andrew Giles to revoke their visas and deport them immediately,” Babet said on Tuesday. “Anything less than a deportation is an endorsement of the shooting and the attempted assassination of Donald J Trump,” he continued, adding that allowing the band to remain in Australia was “unthinkable.”
It’s almost like everyone found their balls all of sudden after Trump pulled the ultimate Alpha move last Saturday. Australians have been the biggest totalitarian pussies of all with Covid, fake vaccines mandates, free speech, etc. Now here they are calling to deport this idiot? That’s like a 180 degree turn for them. It’s awesome.
Shall I go on? Ok. Here is my favorite from today:
All of Nantucket’s south shore beaches have been CLOSED by the town due to debris washing up from Vineyard Wind’s broken turbine. The water is closed to swimming due to large floating debris and sharp fiberglass shards.

I’ve talked about Vineyard Wind before. It is a GIANT boondoggle that will go WAY over budget and cost a fortune to maintain, as I stated back in January:
Another Wind Boondoggle Behind Schedule In Taxachussetts.
Only complete dummies like Comrade Clayton and libskank Carol Garner Doughty think this offshore wind shit is a good idea. Taxachussetts ALREADY pays almost TRIPLE what Texas does for electricity. With nonstop failures like this, the cost will go much higher. Only ONE turbine out of 62 is currently operational. That’s only 5 MW out of 800MW planned.
Here is what libskank Carol wrote a year ago!

Biden sure spends money on smart stuff! Like the $320 million Gaza pier that they built and then took apart a month later after it kept breaking free. Aren’t liberals so SMART???
Massive offshore wind project that was to be operational in 2023 gets a single turbine running.
It is a LOT of good fortune dumped on me all at once, Dear Lord. But thank you for ALL of this news. Thank you for the Biden debate disaster, the Supreme Court ruling on the Chevron deference case and the Trump immunity case. Thank you for the dumb kid with the rifle missing Trump by 1/4 inch and him showing the world how bad-ass he is.
Thank you also for the daily Biden glitches, freezes and fuckups for us to laugh and laugh over all day. Thank you for tossing that classified documents case and destroying that black asshole Jack Smith in the process.
Thank you for watching over Quan Wong and keeping him free from jail, so the Mercers could look monumentally stupid. Thank you, Lord.
Thank you for the complete disarray and the humor of watching the Hollywood Elites battle against the socialist scumbags like AOC to decide if they throw Biden overboard or not. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you also, God, for giving us J.D. Vance. I was unsure about that pick as I’m a Ramaswamy man all the way and Vance was a never Trumper. I wasn’t sure he could be trusted. But in Your Great Wisdom, you knew that Vance would make all the libshits apoplectic and apeshit with rage – and that is good enough for me.
Oh, and lastly, thank you for gold hitting new all-time highs yet again and showering us sound-money advocates and Austrian economists with much bounty. If you could see about dragging silver along for the ride too, that would be great. It has been lagging a tiny bit. But if not, that’s ok too. You have delivered so much to me already this year. I am truly grateful.