Character Revealed.

Ever been in combat? Ever been shot at? I haven’t. Neither, until yesterday, had President Trump.

But one thing that combat veterans say, over and over, is that combat reveals character. The experience of being under fire exposes who you are in fundamental ways. You don’t really know what that answer will be until the moment is upon you.

Well, we just had President Trump’s character revealed. Turns out he’s the kind of man who comes under fire, takes a hit, feels the blood. and stands back up… with his fist raised. That’s who he is. That’s who he always was – and now we know it.

And last night, after surviving an assassination attempt, President Trump didn’t hurriedly rush off the stage. Even after he was surrounded by multiple Secret Service agents, and it became evident that his life was in danger, he chose to stand on the stage and raise a fist in the air to show the world that the engine that drives him to push forward still hadn’t shut down.

He’s been mocked, impeached, indicted, tried, convicted, and shot–all of this in his 70s. Yet, he rises to keep fighting.