33-Year-Old Socialist Who Lives In Mom’s Spare Bedroom Explains How Biden’s Economy Is Actually Awesome.

Local socialist numpty Clayton Tucker is on social media again telling us how AWESOME Bidenomics is! Look! Inflation is lower! It’s “only” 3% now!

Cool chart bro – but inflation in June of 2022 was over 9%. Your chart tops out there at under 8%. Fact check: bullshit.

I guess if you are stupid enough to believe the cooked government CPI numbers (which were just rejiggered AGAIN last year) then that chart looks ok.

Of course, since Clayton Tucker lives with mom, he is unaware of the massive spikes in property tax costs, home insurance costs, and electricity – just to name a few. Because Clayton Tucker doesn’t pay any of that. He lets mom and dad cut those checks.

State Farm Insurance is seeking permission from the Californian state government to increase insurance rates as much as 50%.

Of course, a couple weeks ago he was blaming the horrible inflation on “greedy corporations” and also a lack of competition among huge companies. He used the cut-throat, low-margin airline industry as one of his examples.

“Extensive competition” LOL. Wrong again, Bozo!

Yes, he really is that stupid.

But how can you expect him to know about all these adult things when he is still just a child living with mom? He’s never had a real job, never managed people, never had a child, never been married, never run a real business (goat pictures don’t count!), never managed a payroll or owned a house.