Whoops. It appears that maybe Comrade Clayton has his eyes set on running for Texas Ag Commissioner in 2026. He has formed a brand new shell company for grifting called Food & Farm Action. One of the fellow members is former Ag commissioner Jim Hightower – with whom Tucker has had a long-term, very weird old man/boytoy relationship.
Unfortunately, the very first thing Comrade Clayton did was to slander current Ag Commissioner Sid Miller on his website:

How exactly does Sid “hand kickbacks” to companies? That’s a pretty serious accusation against a fairly powerful guy. Sid is almost 70 years old but I have no doubt he could still kick the shit out of a soy boy like Clayton Tucker in a cage match. I’d even make him -400 to win that.
Clayton and Jim Hightower might want to be careful about leveling accusations of kickbacks against Miller. That is becauseduring Jim Hightower’s term as Ag Commissioner, three of Hightower’s aides at the Agriculture Commission (Mike Moeller, Pete McRae, and Billie Quicksall) were convicted on bribery charges related to procuring contributions to Hightower’s reelection campaign from seed dealers who were subject to the department’s oversight
Gee – a democrat accusing others of shit THEY THEMSELVES are doing? Sounds familiar.
Sid is a REAL 8th-generation rancher AND a champion rodeo rider! Oh, and he operates a successful agricultural business known as Miller Nursery where he grows trees, shrubs and decorative plants near Stephenville, Texas.

I’m betting that Sid actually has proof to back up all of his own claims…unlike Comrade Clayton. Tucker has previously lied about being a cowboy, a farmer, and a fifth-generation rancher.
So we have a FAKE and PRETEND cowboy accusing a REAL cowboy and rancher of criminal activity (kickbacks) while in office! And he is teamed up with Hightower, who lost his seat to Rick Perry in 1990 due to corruption on the part of Hightower’s re-election campaign! You can’t make this up.
Wow. Not a good way to start your 2026 campaign for Ag Commissioner. I have a hard time even typing that with a straight face. If Clayton Tucker is elected Ag Commissioner in 2026, I’ll run down Key Avenue completely naked.