Obsession With Global Warming Hoax Leads Beginner Rancher Astray. Results In Numerous Goat Deaths.

This is just sad. I feel horrible for all those poor goats he keeps killing. Just one after another.

This is what happens when you have an irrational fear of imminent global catastrophe and you ACTUALLY BELIEVE the world is going to “boil” in the next 6 or 8 years.

Super smart ‘rancher’ with $80,000 college degree in International Relations can’t spell “devastate” correctly.

You make incredibly stupid decisions, misallocate resources and then sit there wondering where it all went wrong. Good thing he has mom and dad to take care of him and give him a place to live.

How did this happen?

Well, as you recall, according to Comrade Clayton (who has lied repeatedly about being a “fifth-generation rancher”) they have “always been a cattle family”:

So with (supposedly) four generations of ranching knowledge under his belt AND a FREE functioning cattle operation handed to him on a silver platter by the four previous Tucker generations AND with beef prices going straight up – what does he decide to do?

He decides to get into goats instead. Now why would he do that? Well, according to Comrade Clayton himself:

“Now we are diversifying into goats, because the climate is changing and we felt that’s a little better for arid climate.” [2:59:30 mark]

Naturally, about six weeks after Comrade Clayton made this statement, Lampasas had the wettest May since 1895.


It seems Comrade Clayton, who is not very bright to begin with, has confused CLIMATE with WEATHER. Comrade Clayton is making decisions TODAY for an event (temperatures rising a massive 1.5 degrees) that may or may not happen ONE HUNDRED YEARS from now – long after Tucker himself is dead and buried like his many unfortunate goats.

Poor Clayton. No matter how many times you tell him, he simply refuses to believe that this global warming hoax has been going on for a LONG time and NONE of the predictions have come true. Here is a dipshit from 1983 saying the SAME THING. The catastrophe is always about 7 to 10 years away…like a carrot dangling on a stick in front of a donkey:

The irony here is that the chick on the left (Jessica Savitch) was a monumental coke head and nut job who ended up dying in a car wreck the VERY SAME YEAR she made this video blathering lies about global warming.

The moral of these stories? You need to realize your risk assessment abilities are shit. You’re like the irrational moron who is afraid to fly and insists on driving 1000 miles instead, not understanding that your odds of dying in a car wreck are about 100 times higher.

Same thing with the Covid dummies who are 150 pounds overweight but are instead obsessed with wearing a mask to prevent a respiratory virus that has a 99.7% survival rate while they are careening towards a heart disease and diabetes.