City Officials To Curse Construction Project Today With Garden Implements In Staged Photo Op

Apparently, the City will “break ground” on the $2.2 million dollar Hostess House ‘facelift’ (NOT REMODEL! NOT RENOVATION!) today around 9am.

Remember the LAST time this happened? A bunch of City bozos grabbed shovels and posed for the “ground breaking” of the Business Pork Project:

Ground being cursed back in 2015. NINE YEARS ago!

Technically, it wasn’t really the groundbreaking, since the LEDC bought that goat pasture back in 2004. It merely marked the very first time they wasted a massive sum installing infrastructure. This was the beginning of the extremely profligate Toups years – which also saw a giant pile of money incinerated on a new City council chambers.

Anyways, the result of the above photos and the display of garden implements in a ceremonial fashion resulted in nothing but disaster for the Business Pork. It STILL sits empty today, despite many millions more poured into it.

Today they will repeat this process of cursing the ground and ensuring the project will be a money pit and disaster for the next year or so.

Congratulations, guys!

Of course, here’s how it started: at $200,000. It ended 10x higher!