Weirdos and losers are drawn to the Democrat Marxist Party like a moths to a flame. It is the party of the malcontents and envious beta cucks. The Biden Administration is filled with them – and so is Austin.
Just look at this loser:

Why did he resign? Well, to keep his cushy benefits before he could be fired.
Why would he be fired? Glad you asked.
According to court records, Joseph Frederick pulled a gun on his roommate threatening him and demanding he leave their apartment.

Clearly these guys are all homos. That’s pretty much a given for the Democrats. But that’s not even the most pathetic of it all.
#1 – this guy is in his 50s and still has a roommate [a la Clayton Tucker living with mom or Grady Lucas booting his mom to a nursing home and taking her house].
#2 – this guy is too stupid to figure out how to look at porn.
#3 – this guy is an insecure beta male.
#4 – this guy is a lawyer and yet still stupidly pulled a gun on someone, thus guaranteeing he would get in big trouble.
#5 – this moron just lost a $134,000-per-year job because he was too stupid to stream porn and is such a loser he has a roommate at age 51.

Can you get any dumber??? That would be like, I don’t know, faking racist comments to yourself and getting caught because you stupidly left your email on the “racist” remarks.
Oh wait…a dumb-ass Democrat scumworm did that recently, as well!

Then you have the Biden Administration’s bald, disgusting tranny-freak who wears dresses and steals luggage….

It never ends. It’s an endless stream of retards, mentally-ill perverts and absolute losers. Over and over.
Hey wait a second – that lawyer with the gun worked for a big City of a million people and made $134,000 per year? But somehow our City manager (population 7,200) who does NOT have a law degree and lives in a town with a much lower cost of living is making $153,000 per year?!?!
Ok. Keep telling me our City employees at the top aren’t wildly overpaid.
Hell, Assistant TO the City Manager Ryan Ward almost makes as much as this gun-waving, porn-deprived homo with a law degree!!