Hannah Springs Is City’s Top Asset – And The Most Ignored/Abused By City Hall.

You’d think a former YMCA Director like Finley DeGraffenreid would tend to make the City pool a bigger priority. But you would be wrong.

While he is busy wasting $2.2 million on the Hostess House or $450,000 on a skate park that is scarcely used or a $180,000 bathroom in a park that is mostly empty, or $96,000 on an A/V/ system for City council that only costs $33,000 – Hanna Springs pool hours are cut, and equipment that is broken stays broken.

Right now, the pool is only open from noon to 6pm…and only 5 days a week (Tuesday through Saturday). A total of 30 hours and is CLOSED completely for two days – including Sunday, which is a weekend day that many working parents would probably love to see open.

But not so long ago, it was open FAR more….41 hours, to be exact. It was also open every day except Mondays….

Don’t tell me this is a matter of money – because you clowns find tens of thousands of dollars for every stupid idea that crosses your desk. Hell, Misti Talbert asked for (and got) $971,000 in Covid relief funds for her retarded Business Pork Project back in February of 2022. That money could have been used for just about ANYTHING. Instead, it was incinerated on her moronic project.

Then you have one of the water features completely broken – and nobody has bothered to repair it…..

Those four poles sticking out spewing water USED to have buckets underneath. They would slowly fill up then unpredictably dump the accumulated water onto the kids beneath it. Now it is just a sad, unrepaired relic dribbling weak water streams – much like an old man with an enlarged prostate, which I’m sure our 61-year-old City manager can relate to.

Oh also? If you Google “Hannah Springs Pool” the posted hours of operation are COMPLETELY wrong. Might want to correct that as well. No doubt there are a few people at City Hall with time on their hands every day. This is just basic shit, guys.

I can tell you from experience, the pool is pretty busy ALL the time. As opposed to, say, the rodeo arena (City just dropped $50,000) or the planned bike trails that never happened (cost of plans was $12,000) or the ridiculous giant metal LTX letters they plunked down on the City square ($15,000). Ergo, it should be more of a priority than your other make-work/burn-money retard projects.

Also, if I’m not mistaken, Hannah Springs closes on August 1st! You know – right before the hottest two weeks of the year. What a genius time to close the pool for the season! Do you realize how absurd it is to only have a giant investment like a POOL only open about 60 days per year in Central Texas where it is basically pool season from May 1 to October 1??

Additionally, if money is an issue (it shouldn’t be) you might raise the price on season passes and eliminate the “family” season pass or make it more specific. As it stands, the prices haven’t budged since at LEAST 2018 AND a “family” could be 9 people – which is a stupid way to price things. I’ve brought all this up before, of course FOUR YEARS ago!

Bottom line? You guys suck.