LCAD Chief Appraiser Carol Jones Has Lost Her Mind. Requests Budget Increase Of 32%!! This Is Despite Raping Taxpayers For $86,000 PER YEAR Software In 2021.

No big deal. Carol just wants to increase her budget from $840,000 per year to a massive $1,108,913.00 per year!

Would likely be bagging groceries if she didn’t have cushy job. Costs taxpayers $120,000 per year.

She wants to hire THREE new people – including a “Deputy Chief Appraiser” – you know, so she can sit on her ass and let her bitch boy do all the work. Kind of like a Finley/Ward thing going on there.

This chick’s name rang a bell with me, so I searched my blog since I remembered this same organization asked for an 11% increase not too long ago:

Lampasas County Appraisal District Gets 4% Raise…After 11% Raise Last Year.

This chick has some balls on her. You know what makes it ever MORE insulting? This SAME IDIOT convinced Lampasas County to spend $86,000 PER YEAR on software back in 2021 to “make the office more efficient”!!

Oh, and she ALSO requested (and got)spending of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on fucking iPads!!! That was in 2022! How the hell do you spend $25,000 on iPads?!?!

I’ll say it again – $25,000 ON IPADS! Think about that as you look at your property tax assessments this year.

Judge Hoyer at least had the good sense to ask this idiot if the software and iPads they are blowing gobs of money on have made them more efficient – and thus negate the need for all these new appraisers.

Her response?

“We did have a bumpy start, but we have made quite a bit of progress.”

That sounds to me like the $86,000 per year was a total waste. She ALSO told the county that they haven’t even received the iPads yet! They get them in September! How do you take TWO YEARS to get iPads?!?

Oh – and she pulled a similar stunt two years ago!

Court denies appraisal district budget for new fiscal year

Gee – I wonder that happened in 2021 and 2022 to make the county so generous throwing money at morons like this? Oh yeah – the county was showered with about $4 million in “Covid money” by Bumblin Joe Biden. And you wonder why we have massive inflation.

Screw this moron. Tell her she gets ZERO budget increase. She better figure out a way to make that $86,000 PER YEAR software do the job she promised back in 2021.

They are paying this imbecile $85,690 per year PLUS another $32,000 in benefits [page 24]??

I’ll do the job for $80,000 and NO benefits.

I’m sure I have to take some “Appraiser Class” or something –which I will pay for out of my own pocket. I’m not kidding. I’ll ace the class easily, because I guarantee you I’m far smarter than her. When I become Chief Appraiser, I’ll find a much faster and better way to appraise that shit. You won’t need 3 new people. I’ll use AI bots, Zillow, Redfin and anything else at my disposal. Because I am an efficiency nut and not a fat slob who wants to pad the payroll.

I’m totally serious. If you County people are reading this, please fire this incompetent moron and give me the job. It sure as hell won’t take me 40 hours a week all year ’round. Email me at – I am not even joking.

No way this is a difficult job. You sure as HELL don’t need to hire a “Deputy Chief Appraiser” for $75,000, you lazy turd.

Zero budget increase for you. Don’t like it? There’s the door, you incompetent parasite.