I TOLD You So. Another Sick Lefty Female. Women Should NOT Be Voting.

I JUST talked about this only three weeks ago! Insane women who cannot perceive reality correctly and how that should preclude them from voting and imposing their psychotic distorted “reality” on the rest of us.

As I wrote:

The REALITY is that this guy is a piece of shit. But the liberal moron ignored this reality in favor of some “he’s a victim of racism,” nonsense instead of accepting there are some truly evil people in the world.

It may seem sick to us, but many of these liberal women literally fantasize about being victimized in this manner. Reality will oblige.

Aaaaand, here it is:

These people are insane. We have plenty of them around here as well: Christine Seefeldt, Julie Cain Landrum, Stephanie Fitzharris, Carol Garner Doughty, etc. They are utterly incapable of seeing reality. That’s how you get deranged headlines like this….

These two headlines were next to each other on the SAME DAY!!!

Biden is CLEARLY ignoring immigration law and doing everything in his power to stop states like Texas from enforcing their borders. Mayorkas is complicit. These are facts. Not a week goes by where there isn’t a story about a young girl being raped/strangled/killed by an illegal.

YET insane/retarded women are STILL voting for Biden. A vote for Biden is a CLEAR vote for open borders. No sane person can dispute that. Ergo, anyone voting for Biden is also in favor of innocent young children and women being raped and killed by these animals. A vote for Biden is a vote for lawlessness. Lawlessness and chaos that puts these VERY SAME female voters at risk themselves.

I would love to say that the only way lib scum like Seefeldt, Fitzharris and Landrum will ever see the error of their ways is if they get violently attacked or raped by an illegal – but as you can see from the unhinged woman above, they would probably welcome that and then tell the cops it was a white guy.

Say Their Names: Young American Women Are Being Raped & Murdered By Illegal Aliens

You disgusting lefties are SICK, SICK, SICK. You all need to be committed.

Murdered by illegals….

Oh, and Snopes FINALLY admitted that the “Biden showering with his daughter” story is 100% true. Unlike the “Trump is a rapist” nonsense which is demonstrably false. Yet idiot lib women like Stephanie Fitzharris and Christine Seefeldt will ignore the reality that Biden is a sick pervert and instead embrace the lie about Trump being a rapist.