You like that one? “Mouse jiggler”? I saw that last week when a bunch of Wells Fargo parasites who “work” from home got caught using machines (which you can apparently buy on Amazon) that move your computer mouse around to make it look like you are doing work when you are actually doing jack shit.
Wells Fargo Fires ‘Mouse Jigglers’ Taking Aim At Fake Work And Other Trends
If that doesn’t sum up Gen Z, then I don’t know what does. As you know, I have made Clayton Tucker an honorary member of Gen Z even though he is 33 years old. If anyone in this town is a mouse jiggler, it is Clayton Tucker. An expert at spinning his wheels while going nowhere yet building a huge resume of useless titles and failing to support himself financially.
So what is the mouse jiggler up to now? He’s back to licking Jim Hightower’s shriveled ball sack and “getting ready to launch a new organization,” of course! If there is one thing Tucker excels at, it is creating new non-profits to stick his name on.

The 33-year-old boy who lives with mom and who has no past or present in Texas Agriculture is going to team up with an octogenarian with one foot in the grave who was Ag commissioner 40 years ago to shape the future of Texas Agriculture.
BAHAHAHAHAHA. Jiggle that mouse, boy!
You’d think the ‘rancher’ who saw a bunch of his goats drop dead recently and who has been “working on a website” for 6 months might focus his energies on actually raising and selling some product.

But you’d be wrong. Because socialist scumbags aren’t about creating or producing anything. They think they should be at the top telling everyone else what to do – despite being unable to even fend for themselves. Look at Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer. Three old farts with a combined age of about 235 years who have NEVER HAD A REAL JOB between the three of them! Yet for some reason, they think they are smart enough to run everyone else’s lives. Mouse-jigglin Tucker is cut from that same cloth.
Instead, he’s busy going to communist conventions in El Paso to listen to a man who has fake tits and dresses like a whore lecture him on drag queen story hours….

You know…typical rancher stuff.
I’m pretty sure that Comrade Clayton has aspirations on being Ag Commissioner someday. That will NEVER happen, of course.
It will never happen for many reasons: Comrade Clayton is too short, too dull, has no REAL connections besides Hightower (who will be in a grave soon), no looks, no personality, no money, no height, no accomplishments, and no knowledge of agriculture. If all those reasons aren’t enough to stop him, there is always my massive treasure trove here on my blog of all his lies, bullshit and socialist beliefs that I will make available to any opponent he has in the future. I’ll NEVER stop. Ever.
But hey – BIG things are coming!!

Is this like your Substack that was a BIG HUGE UPDATE? The Substack you posted on a few times but which has been abandoned for the last three months? Or maybe it is like your Killeen Creators that you claim to have founded but haven’t visited in years and years? Or perhaps it’s like the Lampasas Community Gardens you took photo ops at but then never returned to again? Or maybe the “beekeeping” you claimed you did but then also quickly abandoned?
No? This one will actually be HUGE and accomplish heroic feats? Ok then. I cannot wait to tear the next Big Idea apart and watch it crumble to the ground.
Jiggle that mouse, bitch!!