Holy Shit! Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson Dies In Office.

Wow! Not sure how I missed this one. City councilman Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson passed away June 18th. He will join fellow City councilman Randy “Speedbump” Clark at that big City Council Chamber in the sky.

There is only one conclusion I can draw from BOTH Clark and Williamson passing away during their City council terms: dealing with Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne is enough to put any man in his grave.

I disagreed with pretty much every single position Chuck took as a City councilman. I was especially galled when he voted to hand a pot of gold over to Deorald Finney and his Stone Valley development back around 2019. He was also instrumental in the boneheaded move to sell a City building for $75,000 and then buy the same building back later for $225,000.

I gave Chuck his “Vampire” moniker because despite being voted out of office, he somehow rose from the dead and was re-installed by TJ Monroe when they guy who beat him resigned suddenly. I think that might have even happened twice, actually. I’m too lazy to search my own blog, however.

Chuck was fairly useless as a councilman, but according to his obituary he served in Vietnam – which is a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone. So my respect for him has jumped on that. I’m sure he has family that will miss him as well. My condolences to them.

R.I.P. Chuck.