Well, that didn’t take long. This one lasted 18 months. Why does all the juicy stuff happen the minute I leave for vacation?? I got a whiff of this a week ago but was out of the country enjoying beaches and stone crab.
I tried to confirm this is 100% true with the City secretary today but…it’s a federal holiday! First I heard of that, too. They even closed the stock market for Juneteenth this year! Pretty soon, government workers will get 30 or 40 holidays off per year, in addition to their two months PTO.
I DO have to say that the timing of this whole thing is weird. Here we have a chick who was getting six-figures of salary and benefits to basically do nothing. She even got caught making shit up out of thin air and there were no repercussions. She convinced City council to send her to ATLANTA for some ridiculous “economic development” junket (which has likely ALREADY been paid for) AND I think she was also signed up to get some “free” (courtesy of the taxpayers) continuing education too! Now, why would you abruptly quit with all that on your side?
I only have two guesses:
#1 – she has been shopping for a better job for months and hit an even bigger jackpot closer to where she lives (at least an hour south of Lampasas)…
#2 – City council was about to come down on her ass pretty hard for accomplishing nothing the last 18 months while costing the City almost $200k in salary and benefits. The Business Pork STILL sits empty despite her making it her “first priority” as EDD.
I’m going with #1, myself. We’ll know soon enough!
If any birdies have info on this, contact me at lampasshole@protonmail.com
P.S. Remember that time Ybarra made up a lie about “20 to 35 jobs created” and a “$0.7 million dollar capital investment”? I sure do!