Lampasas Sales Tax Receipts Eke Out Tiny 1.2% Gain – Versus UP 6.66% For Texas.

Lampasas recorded a 1.2% gain in sales tax receipts for the month of May. Trailing the state as a whole, which saw a 6.66% rise in revenue.

Lampasas is now dead flat on YTD sales tax revenue – despite inflation AND the solar eclipse ‘bump’ in activity. Apparently, the eclipse was only worth about $2,800 in added revenue – a FAR cry from the $70,000 the City spent preparing for the eclipse.

How did other cities fare?

Burnet: UP a whopping 21.8%! I’m guessing this had to do with the eclipse and the giant party/festival they had there. That caused an extra $60,000 in revenue for city coffers.

Marble Falls: UP a modest 2%

Dallas: UP an impressive 9.35%

Austin: UP 4.5%