Clueless, Spoiled Limo Libshit Has Breakdown Over Nothing.

Is your city being overrun by crime because libshit Soros DAs refuse to press charges? Are illegal Squatemalans, Venezuelans, Haitians and other fake refugees driving up rents and spreading tuberculosis in your area? Did you just spend $140 for a few items at the grocery store? Did you just get hammered with a 25% insurance rate increase thanks to Bidenflation?

I hate to inform you of this, but those aren’t real problems, you poor fool. In fact, according to most libshits, those problems don’t even exist. You are imagining them. The economy is actually AWESOME.

But even if those problems DID exist, they pale in comparison to the trauma that poor libshit-moved-to-Massachusetts Carol Garner Doughty is enduring. I mean, look how this poor libskank is suffering greatly in her new home state:

At first, I didn’t get what she was whining about. I was trying to make something phonetic out of the 4MGF part. As if some guy got a random plate that read IMAFG or something. I could see being upset with that, even though a libshit would be proud of that plate.

No, the part she is worked up about is the number 45.

Why? Because Trump was the 45th president, obviously!

Yes, I am serious. THAT is how insane and irrationally filled with rage and TDS these libskanks are. This is just MORE proof that women should have never been given the vote.

This is the kind of stupid shit you waste your life on and complain about when you are completely devoid of purpose or brains.

We will set aside for the moment how monumentally retarded you have to be to post your license plate number on a public page for all to see. Now thieves and scumbags know your full name, your license plate and can easily find your address in Lenox MA. Who knows what mischief they could get up to. But yeah – keep telling yourself how smart you are and how dumb all the anti-mask, antivax mouth-breathing Texans are, sweetie.

How far do you take this shit? Do you go cut up any credit cards you have that might have a “45” in them? Do you refuse to buy a cool house because the address is 45 Gropecunt Lane? Do you refuse to celebrate the 45th birthday of your retarded they/them fake tranny daughter named James? Do you refuse to accept any phone numbers with a 45 in them? Do you tell all your rich bitch friends at the Big Libshit Charity Event that you absolutely refuse to sit at table #45 even though George Clooney is sitting there, too?

Naturally, local Covid Cult moron Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris (who has tried to convince everyone she is NOT actually a libtard Biden lover) jumped in on the Trump bashing…

Some of her new fellow limo libskanks suggested she pay big money for a vanity plate to avoid all this terrible unpleasantness. By all means, tie up the entire system with questions and requests because there is a “4” followed by a “5” in your plate. If I worked at the DMV and had to listen to this twat, I’d say “sure thing!” and send her a new plate that was 45 45 45. Or maybe CNT45

Spoken like a TRUE rich dummy

Libskank Carol has her own ideas, however…like NOT getting a new plate in her new state of residence…

Yes. By all means, take your chances! I certainly won’t alert the cops or the DMV in Berkshire County!

Unfortunately for Libskank Carol, changing plates/license/registration is required by law within 30 days of establishing residency in MA. Luckily, Carol the Moron has posted very publicly about her entire move and made it clear they are living full time in Massachusetts now. No getting around it at this point, dipshit! Then there is the whole problem of the fact you were ALREADY issued a plate and just refused to put it on – so you can no longer plead ignorance of the law. Any cop can easily see that as well.

Christ, what an imbecile!!

It’s a good thing some rich chump was dumb enough to marry this witch, because with her ‘brains’ she would be living under a bridge somewhere giving blowjobs for $5 if it weren’t for him taking her in.