Turns Out America-Bashing Libshit Christine Seefeldt’s Dad Was a Nazi Who Fought For Hitler.

I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree….

Christine Seefeldt never misses a chance to tell everyone how much she hates Trump, how much she hates guns, how much she hates the free market and how much she loves socialism and wealth redistribution.

Yeah, the poor Germans! They were all held captive to hypnosis and cannot be blamed for their motives! They were just following orders! They were all brainwashed! Poor dears.

Seefeldt completely misses the irony here as SHE HERSELF (and many other middle-aged female libshits) are in the exact same boat. They were (and still are) brainwashed about Covid shutdowns, fake covid vaccines, masking, BLM bullshit, the ‘benefits’ of open borders, stealing from one group of citizens to pay for the ‘education’ of others and price controls.

They too, are being held captivated by the fascist actions of Joe Biden – a senile old fool who is trying to jail his political opponent and force one horrible policy after another on the population by executive decree. Seefeldt cheers ALL that shit but in the same breath wants pity for her poor brainwashed father.

Fuck all that.

Seefeldt has made her hatred of the U.S. Constitution very clear, despite her utter bullshit ramblings about how the poor, stupid, brainwashed Germans saw the light about the Constitution and freedom once they were captured!

Hitler disarmed his citizens too, you dumb shit. Made it a lot easier to kill a few million jews and control everyone else. Christine Seefeldt would love to see that happen here as well. Which is why dumb old ladies like her should have never been given the privilege of voting.

“Dad was a Nazi and so am I!”

I don’t feel the least bit bad saying that it’s a shame that Seefeldt’s dad didn’t take a bullet to the head that day as he was raining down machine gun fire on our boys storming the beach unprotected like sitting ducks. Then this anti-American, anti-Constitution, freedom-hating moron would never have been born to contaminate the Central Texas area today.