Dummy Kraut Christine Seefeldt Repeats Lie Of “Productive” Illegal Invaders. Meanwhile, German Cop Stabbed/Killed By Muzzie Back Home.

You remember Christine Seefeldt. The idiot Kraut who thinks Germany is awesome and America sucks. But she chooses to live here instead of over there among the third-world trash Germany has imported for the last couple decades.

You can STILL see the stupid oozing out of her ears….

Immigration “expert”

Anyways, the Dummy Kraut is back – this time spreading more bullshit about how AWESOME and BENEFICIAL all these illegal invaders are to our economy…

Ah yes. All those Haitian engineers and Somali brain surgeons who are floating over here on rafts made of old tires. Truly, they are geniuses and a HUGE benefit to society!

Yes, the detectors beep when they are working properly! Makes sense!

Or maybe she means the violent gangs from Venezuela who are slipping into our country?

‘Salute me or shoot me’: Venezuelan gang members sneaking into US pose ‘serious threat’

Maybe dummy Kraut Christine Seefeldt can explain all these benefits to the family of Laken Riley – who was brutally murdered by yet another scumbag illegal invader?

Dummy Kraut Christine Seefeldt has no clue how wealth is created nor does she appreciate the benefits of living in a first-world nation like the United States. All she did was spread her legs for an American soldier and get a free ride over here as a wife about 30 years ago. In many ways, she is just as big of a parasite as the dirtbag Somali or Paki muzzie who jumps the border looking for free shit.

Let’s see how all those muzzie invaders are assimilating in Germany, shall we?

A violent muzzie “cultural enricher” stabbed a cop in the neck. The cop died yesterday as a result of the attack. I feel zero pity for the cop because he was busy pinning down an innocent civilian instead of taking out the trash….

In case you are still not clear on what happened here, here is a diagram for morons like Christine Seefeldt…

Germany made their bed. They are clearly a country populated by pussies who would rather see their wives and daughters raped and killed than be called a “racist” for pointing out the obvious. The obvious is that Islam is incompatible with Western civilization and importing millions of Middle-eastern and African dirtbags is destroying Germany. That cop is a traitor to his homeland.

Dummy Kraut Christine Seefeldt should be deported back to Germany so she can enjoy the downfall of her homeland – and maybe get a knife in the neck as well.

RELATED: Mass Immigration Has “Utterly Failed” Britain As New Report Debunks Myths Of Economic Growth & Fiscal Benefits