Local Communist Who Flies Foreign Flags On His (Mom’s) House Complaining About Obscure Pine Tree Flag.

You can’t make this stuff up…

I’ll be honest. I’d never heard of or seen this flag…and I consider myself pretty up-to-date on current events. I certainly never heard it was a “symbol” of January 6th. Says who? A bunch of idiot liberals who made that up after seeing it on Alilto’s flag pole?

Comrade Clayton prefers to fly the flag of a corrupt foreign country on HIS (mom’s) house…

That would be the same “democratic” country that just last week cancelled elections – allowing the corrupt, gay midget Zelenskyy to remain in power.

Ukraine President Zelensky Says Time Not Right for Elections

Oh, and what’s this??? More hypocrisy and subterfuge. Truly, liberals are nothing more than dogshit.