Hippie Dippy Stoner Chick Is A “Strong Independent Woman.” Then Gets Crushed and Paralyzed Moving Piano.

Down with the evil patriarchy! We don’t need no men! A woman can do anything a man can do!

Except move a piano, apparently.

Danielle Drummond had just moved to Oregon – home of all useless stoner hippies. She decided that she and her fellow Strong Independent Woman should move a piano by themselves.

There is nothing “freak” about this accident. Pretty predictable, actually. Two weak girls attempt to move a heavy piano on stairs. That is a man’s job. Probably 3 or 4 men, actually.

Liberal women are all pretty much ACTUALLY retarded. I mean, you can ignore reality all you like. But you cannot ignore the CONSEQUENCES of ignoring reality. Eventually, physics will win.

Here’s another one where a moron liberal chick ignored reality and reality paid her back in spades…

The REALITY is that this guy is a piece of shit. But the liberal moron ignored this reality in favor of some “he’s a victim of racism,” nonsense instead of accepting there are some truly evil people in the world.

It may seem sick to us, but many of these liberal women literally fantasize about being victimized in this manner. Reality will oblige.

How do I know Danielle is a hippie dippy chick just by that article? Just because she moved to Oregon, which is Mecca for all idiot liberals? Well, I also found her Facebook page…

Blah, blah, blah, Trump is a rapist, blah, blah, tranny rights, blah, blah, women are a strong as men, blah, blah, a woman can have a penis, etc.

She ignored reality. But now she cannot ignore the CONSEQUENCES of that reality – which is that she’s now a shopping cart for the rest of her life.

I have zero doubt that Danielle has no insurance of any kind, so now the good people of Oregon will get to foot her multi-million-dollar surgery and rehab bills.

Hopefully they have voting locations that are wheelchair-compliant so poor dumb Danielle can keep voting for the death of Western civilization.