Let’s check in on Texas-hating, tranny-raising retard Carol Garner Doughty, shall we?
It only took four days in her new liberal paradise for libskank Carol and her husband Stephen Hawking to find and join an exclusive club.

Mind you, this is the same bitch that is in favor of MY exclusive club (the United State of America) letting in every third-world, illiterate scumbag from Haiti and Africa with no vetting because they are fake refugees asking for fake amnesty.
Because she is a hypocritical harridan of the highest order.
She needs this club because diversity-loving Carol moved to Lenox MA – which is only 98.57% white. Carol needs to be 100% sure she NEVER has to run into any slightly brown or black people unless they are trimming her grass, you see. So it was imperative to join an exclusive country club to bring that percentage up to 100.

I’m sure the pumps for all those pools and the heaters for all those hot tubs and the mowers for the hundreds of acres of golf course grass ALL run on solar power and windmills, right? Because evil libskank Carol wants to ABOLISH fossil fuels immediately!!

I’m sure Carol and Stephen Hawking used a battery-powered moving truck to move all their priceless furniture and expensive piano from Texas to Massachusetts, right?
Not exactly. The piano got its own truck for the Big Important Move. It’s ok for Carol to ship a piano in a diesel truck for 1,700 miles – thus burning about 200 gallons of diesel fuel – but YOU peasants should NOT be allowed to take frivolous trips to see grandma in your pickup truck. Because you are unworthy swine – and she is not.