The last time they gave out a chunk this big, it was to Mercer and his Heritage Funeral Home in 2021. Mercer is really hurting for cash, you see…

According to the Radiogram…
During their monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 15th, the Lampasas Economic Development Corporation awarded a Life Safety Grantto a business referred to by its building’s address, but not its name,in their meeting agenda. The Life Safety Grant will help the business cover the cost of building upgrades, so long as that cost does not go over $20,000.
“We’re very excited we got someone applying for the grant,” LEDC Board President Misti Talbert commented. Following discussion of the renovation project, the LEDC board unanimously voted to reward the grant.
A business referred to by the building’s address but not its name? That’s pretty weird, if you ask me. Why all the secrecy? I mean, Misti is EXCITED to hand out $20,000 in tax dollars…but doesn’t want to mention any names? Just my opinion, but it makes it look like you have something to hide.
Misti is VERY good at handing out tax dollars. She gave Deorald Finney a $72,000 break on electrical hookups for his Stone Valley project. A project where Finney promised houses would be sold for “$150,000 to $180,000” but then jacked the prices to the $250,000 area.

Talbert also handed her old City council buddy Chris Harrison at S2M2 $185,000 for a “detention pond” that appears to not actually detain any water whatsoever.

Oh – and Misti also pilfered $971,000 in Covid relief money from the City to piss away on her Business Pork Project that is 20 years old, has wasted over $7.4 million dollars and STILL sits empty 30 months after she wasted the LAST million on it.

Great job, Misti! Truly, you are a “community champion”! Which is why I gave her an F on her mayoral report card a few years ago.