Holy Christ.
Just when I think the commies can’t get any more insane, along comes a hippopotamus who thinks he’s a chick – and also two people.

Jesus dude. You have to try a LITTLE bit. Just throwing on a pants suit and a nose ring and calling it a day? Bush league.
Naturally, he has never had a real job and is instead a parasite who is deeply dug into the woke bullshit with useless titles like “Inclusion Coordinator” and proudly displays his Certification of Completion for “Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging.” If you thought all this ridiculous insanity was only found up north, think again. This beast is currently working for Abel Herrero, the state representative for Texas House District 34.
It’s assholes like this guy who are destroying America because any employer who comes in contact with the fucker has to pretend, under threat of massive lawsuits, that he’s a chick. So there is now an entire multi-billion-dollar albatross around the neck of society forevermore. Fuck this guy and everyone like him.
Furthermore, Jenkins is himself now running for state representative in House District 139…and is endorsed by none other than Clayton Tucker through his Communist Caucus organization…

Naturally, there are plenty of puff pieces out there licking this idiot’s ass and telling tall tales…like this excerpt:
“I never wanted to go and work in politics. I didn’t know much about it as a kid,” Jenkins recalls. “I actually wanted to be a cardiothoracic surgeon to invent new ways to keep hearts alive.”
In college, Jenkins was a double major in biomedical sciences and political science. “I only added political science because I had a professor who told me, ‘If you add on a liberal-arts major, it’ll help boost your GPA for med school,’” Jenkins admits.
That one class changed Jenkins’s life path completely. She [He] dropped her [his] biomedical sciences major and focused exclusively on political science. Her [His] hard work earned her [him] a 2020 internship working for State Representative Herrero and launched her [his] political career.
So you were going to be a doctor and a productive member of society…but then decided to be a parasite instead and go straight onto the government tit even though it pays way less. But you TOTALLY could have been a surgeon.
Sure buddy!
Comrade Clayton must be green with envy. He’s been trying to land a no-work job on the government tit forever, and here this mentally ill behemoth falls ass backwards into a cushy no-work joke job. I TOLD Comrade Clayton three weeks ago he just needs to put on a dress and change his pronouns to “she/xe/they” to indicate mental illness and he’s a shoe-in.
Of course, the budding genius and cardiothoracic surgeon doesn’t know the difference between “there” and “their”….

Yeah, I’m SURE you would have gotten into med school and graduated in four years. Keep telling yourself that, pal.