LEDC Meets. The “Workspace” Idea Is As Bad As I Feared.

The LEDC had their monthly meeting last night. This also means the minutes from the LAST meeting were posted. Unsurprisingly, they are a comedy of errors, wheel-spinning and money wasting.

The main bad idea? They are actually considering “spec buildings ready to occupy.

I was worried about this a couple months ago when they first talked about a “workspace concept” but there were few details:

LEDC Discussing “Workplace Business Concept” For Empty $7.4 Million Business Pork Project. Unclear What That Means.

There are still scant details, but they are DEFINITELY talking about throwing MORE money into their 20-years-failed “if you build it, they will come” model for the Business Pork project.

I only see this happening two ways:

#1 – the LEDC already has some company in mind to build these “spec” buildings. Company X will presumably get all sorts of handouts from the LEDC and the City to build more office space (which we already have PLENTY of around town). This will likely sit empty forever – kind of like the old Twisted Oak restaurant or all the old office space over there by Tractor Supply that has sat empty for many years or any of the dozen OTHER empty buildings dotting the city.

#2 – the LEDC will go Full Retard and will build these things themselves. If that happens, expect a massive money-wasting fiasco right up there with the Hostess House debacle or the Old City Hall renovation debacle. They will blow another million and have nothing to show for it.

Number of days the Business Pork has sat empty: 7317

Amount of money wasted on Business Pork: over $7.3 million

Number of tenants in Business Pork: 0

Look at those numbers. They have wasted ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A DAY, every single day, for the last TWENTY YEARS. Pathetic. And they want to waste MORE now throwing up some “spec” buildings.