Commie Dirtbag Makes Bi-Monthly Public Excuse For Living With Mom.

Every few months, local communist Clayton Tucker posts some charts or stats or quotes from a far-left economist as to why a 33-year-old able-bodied male like himself lives with mom.

Today was that day:

Like most of his bullshit, he leaves out a lot of things and uses misleading stats. For instance, the houses today are WAY bigger and nicer than they were when I was a kid. My Dad was a surgeon and pretty well off, but when I go home now to the old neighborhood and see the new modern houses all around his, it makes his house look like a tiny shit box owned by a pauper.

Houses today also have all sorts of amenities like central air, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, safer and more robust electrical wiring, fiber for Internet, remote-controlled thermostats, better insulation, etc. So you aren’t really comparing apples to apples. On cost per-square-foot basis, the charts don’t look nearly as bad.

I did a quick 5 second Google search for homes in Lampasas just now…

Here’s another one.

Look at that! A price less than HALF what Comrade Clayton is whining about in his chart! Way more space than you need too, buddy. Seeing as how you don’t have a wife or girlfriend or kids – and very likely never will, thank Christ.

A few short years ago, you could have bought some even cheaper. That was BEFORE your hero Joe Biden showered Covid cash on every City in America and ignited massive inflation.

Stone Valley’s Finney later gouged everyone for $200k to $250k after getting handed $72,000 in breaks by the morons in City council

Lampasas ALONE got around SIX MILLION DOLLARS dumped on it($1.9 million for the City and roughly $4.1 million to the county) in “free” Covid relief money. That tidal wave of confetti pushed up the prices of EVERYTHING! You complete moron.

Another cause of the current price spike was the Federal Reserve holding rates at 0% for far too long. This allowed people to lock in extremely cheap mortgages that they now cling to dearly – thus reducing supply on the market.

That is not a failure of capitalism. Quite the opposite. The Fed put their finger on the scale and set the price of money WAY below market value – which commies like you and Bruce Haywood cheered mightily at the time, thinking there actually IS such thing as a free lunch.

Bruce, who pays no taxes of ANY kind told us during Covid that it “wasn’t about paying IN to the system,” it was about the government “stimulating” the economy. Bruce selflessly volunteered to spend even MORE money he didn’t earn – and thus drive up the price of everything for everyone. Because Bruce is a very, very stupid fat man.

Finally, Comrade Clayton, it wouldn’t matter if houses were $100k right now because you don’t really work a real job and have no income. You chose to spend the last 11 years bouncing around non-profits and attending commie rallies to cry about your unfair life when you SHOULD have been building a career.

If you had done that, you’d probably be making bank right now using some mad skills. But instead you are still living with mom masturbating to Bernie Sanders tweets. So fuck you.