Don’t Forget: Heritage Funeral Home Took $20,000 In Taxpayer Monies For LEDC “Life Safety Grant” In May 2021.

Oooohhh….I guess we file this under “James Mercer TRULY helping the community”….

That’s after he TRULY helped himself, of course.

The idiots at the LEDC handed Mercer $20,000 in the form of a Life Safety Grant [see page 5 under Staff Updates] so he could install sprinklers. God forbid MERCER himself pay for that. He needed that $20,000 to buy the latest fashionable clothes so he can prance and mince around New York City looking for celebrity assholes to lick….

Granted, they are slimy shitball D-list ‘celebrities’ like Michael Rapaport, but hey. That’s what a measly $20,000 gets you in Hollywood.

I know what you’re thinking: how the HELL does Lampasshole remember that information AND have the link [page 5 under Staff Updates] right at his fingertips after three years?

Because I am fucking badass and that’s how I roll. I NEVER forget. Also, that memory was luckily jarred loose yesterday after five rums at Lampasas Beer Market.

So to summarize: this magnanimous man and greatest gift to our community (1) pilfered $20,000 for his funeral home from taxpayers (2) grabbed $325,000 from the feds for Covid and (3) then got Lonestar shutdown for financial irregularities and was accused of wage theft. What a hero!!