Stick Your Reparations In Your Ear.

Read any book about Africa in the 19th century and you’ll be struck by how silly and false the modern western conception of slavery is. The people who were primarily pillaging Africa for slaves were Arabs.

The most wonderful illusion is in the idea that Europeans were rounding people up and stealing them from their homeland. They didn’t have to. Their own people did the dirty work and sold them at ports. Africa betrayed Africans.

The Arab slave trade was kept alive by African tribes slaughtering, subjugating, and selling each other into slavery. Europeans were late to the party, and the first to leave. Yet they take 100 percent of the blame these days. It’s totally absurd. The Arabs castrated their African slaves by the millions.

Arabs invented the slave trade. Before that, it was a “capture, then enslave” kind of thing, from battles. Then Arab Muslims thought of capturing people just because and selling them into slavery. Africa thought: “we have lots of people, let’s capture them and sell them.”

[In total about 12 million Africans were forcibly embarked and because of the high mortality aboard, about 10 million slaves were disembarked in: Brazil (45%), the British, French, Dutch, and Danish Caribbean (37%), Spanish America (11 %) and North America (4%) – yes you read that right: North America was FOUR PERCENT.]

The Barbary pirates (Muslims, btw) had millions of white slaves just a few centuries ago, but we’re not allowed to even mention this fact for some reason. Thomas Jefferson asked the Muslims why they attacked American ships and take prisoners as slaves. They said Allah demanded it. Hence the Barbary wars and the USMC Hymn “to the shores of Tripoli

Early towel heads.

There were between 1-2 million European whites enslaved, men, women, and children, from as far as Ireland and Scandinavia. In fact, these fuckers basically captured an ENTIRE IRISH VILLAGE called Baltimore. There’s even a book about it. As someone who is 35% Irish, I demand some reparations from those Muslim bastards. See how completely retarded that sounds?!

But learning this would require minorities to be honest about their ancestors (and technological superiority of the West). It is much easier for them to believe Africa was Wakanda, a land that invented everything, yet somehow was subjugated by Whitey!