Deluded LibKraut Christine Seefeldt Says There Is No Inflation…Then Blames Greedy Corporations.

When it comes to confused libtards who cannot make up their minds and contradict themselves repeatedly, only one person gives Bruce Haywood a run for his money…and that is America-hating German transplant Christine Seefeldt. As you can see, stupid oozes from her ears…

She assured us back in March there was NO inflation! It was all in your head and your inability to do basic math! Because Biden is awesome and he’d NEVER cause massive inflation with his moronic policies!

But even the dummykraut couldn’t ignore it forever. So five weeks later, she does what every libshit does when prices go up: blame “greedy corporations”!

I have to say. It IS quite interesting how every company on earth waited until January of 2021 to realize they could raise prices and express their greed simultaneously.

Hilariously, the very day Seefeldt posted this, Starbucks came out with earnings that were absolutely atrocious and the stock was smacked for a 16% loss. Weird! It’s almost like if you offer a shitty product at a high price, people just stop buying it! Which is why the FREE MARKET rules!

Here is a thought: if you are crying over the price of a $10 Starbucks coffee or a $1300 iPhone, then DON’T BUY IT! Moron. There are plenty of alternatives out there, thanks to the FREE MARKET.

But no, instead you have libshits like Seefeldt or Clayton Tucker sipping on a Starbucks, typing into her $1,300 iPhone and posting on Facebook – whose CEO is a scumbag in bed with Big Government and who is worth $162 billion dollars – about how greedy those very corporations are.

Then again, I don’t expect much from an old bat whose only smart move in her entire life was spreading her legs for an American soldier in Germany so she could hitch a free wife-ride to America – the greatest nation on earth.

Say that reminds me…let’s check in over in Germany and see how things are going with their plan to import millions of third-world scum. Seefeldt always brags about how great the Germans are for doing this. She never misses a chance to shit on America and tell us how awesome Germany is. Germany is SO awesome, that she chooses not to live there!

How are those 1.1 million dirtbags working out for you?

In typical German fashion, if you point this out, you get fined and/or arrested for “hate crimes” over there. Nobody Nazis like the Germans!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, frau Seefeldt: LUTSCHE MEIN SCHWANZ!!!

Foreign Migrants Account For Nearly 6 In 10 Violent Crime Suspects In Germany