It was only a matter of time before Fulton had to try and plug the many holes in his sinking ship. It’s called damage control. But he couched it as “taking the high road,” of course. The high road apparently involves lots of vague insinuations about a Vietnamese guy who likely has no phone, no social media and no command of the English language – so it’s safe to take a shit on his head to try and save your investment.
To wit:

If people have to tell you how honest they are and how much integrity they have, well…the lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Also, if you are about to toss a bunch of money into a restaurant and some guy is like “hey, this AWESOME restaurant that EVERYONE loves is in trouble or closing down,” or whatever, the FIRST THING that I’d be asking is “why?” Mister Super Businessman with 21 companies under the (now bankrupt) Fulton/Mercer Corp who owns flower shops and funeral homes and exotic pet markets and skin care shit and all that didn’t think to do BASIC due diligence on this whole thing? Makes himself look like a completely incompetent boob.
He continues…

The guy is Asian in the restaurant industry, buddy. If it’s your “lifelong dream” to own a restaurant, you should have known that EVERY Chinese restaurant has a room in back where the entire family lives on mattresses on the floor with about 5 kids. Common knowledge my man.
Outstanding debts? Due diligence again!!
Exhibiting “unacceptable” behavior? Like what? Very vague. Sounds like bullshit. Also, the behavior was “uncharacteristic”? How do you know? You basically just met the guy.
There’s more…

“Disturbing reports surfaced“? Again, very vague and sounds to me like – GASP – gossip! The VERY THING you are complaining about happening to you right now on Facebook! What kind of reports? Police reports? I doubt it. Maybe some “he said/she said” shit? Or maybe just a story you concocted last night when you saw your ship sinking? Impossible to check and thus works in your favor. Very convenient.
“Allegations of misconduct and inappropriate remarks.” Allegations by whom? From when? Is this a “Trump raped me in 1992…or maybe 1995…so did Kavanaugh” kind of bullshit? Sure sounds like it. But what better way to take the heat off yourself for being an asshole than to accuse the other guy of being a misogynist – which is all the rage these days and trumps all else. Very convenient again!
An outburst towards a MINOR employee?! Oh my. You just had to say “minor” to make him look worse, didn’t you. Some moron on Facebook even took the bait and wrote “hey, this guy is creeping on 15-year-olds” which is probably EXACTLY what Fulton wants but not even close to what Fulton actually said. He made one vague accusation of “allegations of misconduct towards woman” and then ANOTHER completely different mention about an “outburst towards a minor.” I doubt any of that was by mistake. Then you get a dipshit Mercer apologist or two to “corroborate” it all with MORE vague b.s. like this:

…and next thing you know, everyone thinks he’s some kind of pervert. Which is just the kind of smear that would save Fulton’s ass.
An “outburst towards a minor employee” could be Wong yelling at some dumb shit teenager to get off their phone and get to work. That sure sounds more plausible to me. Funny that Eve Sanchez was a well-known asshole employer/cook as well, but nobody said “boo” about all that, did they?
If you cant handle a little yelling in the kitchen, you are in the wrong business. Quit and go be a fake rancher or something.
Also Mr. Fulton, if you are so concerned about “minors,” why did you basically screw over the foster care system last year?
Former child placement agency shut down after alleged financial irregularities
From all the allegations, sounds like you basically lined your pockets at the expense of kids, no? But now you are the champion of “minors”? LOL. You make me laugh.

P.S. If ANY of the vague innuendo about Wong being a pervert and “doing stuff” to “minors” is true, then why has nobody filed a police report??? There are actual laws against that stuff. Put up or shut up.