While many brainless simps yammer about “greedy corporations” raising the price of everything out of pure avarice, the actual cause is clearly the unrelenting money printing and deficit spending we’ve seen the last 4 years.

When EVERY SINGLE THING you buy goes up 30% to 40%, that is not a secret, coordinated effort by every single company on earth to screw you. That is reckless policy. That is morons handing out money to millions of deadbeats and illegal aliens who produce nothing in return. That is too many currency units chasing the same amount of goods and services.

And to those who yammer that inflation is “coming down,” you couldn’t be more wrong. It’s re-accelerating.
I’ve been buying Zone bars for at least the last 15 years. Same flavor. Same everything. In November of 2019, I paid $25 for a box of 30 (6 boxes of 5 bars)…

Just a few days ago, I paid $24 for 12 of them! The per-bar cost jumped from 83 cents to $2.00 in 4.5 years. A 140% increase.

That translates into roughly 22% annual inflation.
Not only that, whereas you usually had a choice of about 16 flavors, there are only 4 available in stock right now.

Yeah, but keep telling me it’s “greedy corporations” you idiot liberals.