Did Clayton Tucker Pay Almost $6,000 To “Publish” A Book?!?

I always wondered how local socialist termite (and chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Communists) Clayton Tucker managed to “write a book” when he can barely string two sentences together. It is actually listed on Amazon books, but I refuse to shell out $3 to read incoherent garbage. Even though it IS tempting to get it and laugh at the dozens of errors, ridiculous cliches and most likely an awkward attempt at trying to write a heterosexual sex scene in there somewhere.

I read the free summary (maybe 10 pages) and was treated to such high-tech ideas as a “policebot,” an “infobot” and also a “bossbot” – which is….wait for it…a robot that is your boss!

But what I DID learn was that this ‘book’ was ‘published’ by Atmosphere Press in February of 2019. So I dug a bit into Atmosphere Press and guess what?

All you need is “three easy installments” of $1,900 each (for the cheap package) or $3,900 each if you are a supreme sucker – or if maybe grandpa just died recently and left you a bunch of money to waste on a vanity project like this!

Oh, and “Doctor” Nick Courtright will design your cover for you, too!


This is what happens when you leave a 27-year-old unemployed moron a bunch of money. Trust Fund Tucker couldn’t spend it on magic beans fast enough. He thought he’d be a famous author!

Since Comrade Clayton is “the oldest child of an oldest child” (his words), I bet he got a nice piece of pocket change – which explains his aversion to work for the first 33 years of his life.

We also find some oddness in the dedication of the book:

Corbin Minshew died in 2014 at the age of 23 and was from Austin Texas. He was born about the same time Comrade Clayton was born and thus very close in age. Perhaps an old boyfriend? Anyways, Corbin shook off his mortal coil in Portland Oregon, where all the hippies end up at some point.

Mystery solved: Trust Fund Tucker shelled out a big pile of money so he could call himself an author. He and Stacey Hogg should maybe write a book together!