Virtue-signaling communist moron Carol Garner Doughty has really outdone herself this time.
To refresh your memory, this evil old shrew wants to BAN fossil fuels NOW…

And she also owns a Prius AND a Tesla, lest you doubt her commitment to the cause….

But when libskank Carol says “we need to stop the use of fossil fuels” what she REALLY means is YOU need to stop. Not her. She will do as she pleases because she is better than you and cannot be inconvenienced in the slightest.
She will EVEN jump on a giant, carbon-spewing airplane to make the very short 190-mile trip from Austin to Dallas while her $100,000 Tesla sits in the garage collecting dust. Then she will bitch and whine the entire time and yammer nonsense about chakras and Buddist monks. Because she is clinically insane…

In fact, she could have taken the BUS and saved the environment even more!

But the bus is for poor, smelly people. Not her. So her commitment to saving the planet is, shall we say, one big steaming pile of horseshit.
So I have a couple of questions for this batshit insane old shrew:
If your flight was from Austin to Dallas, how did people “deplane in Houston”?
If they must get you off the plane in three hours (“by law“) then how did you sit on the runway for “at least five hours” you absolute moron??
Here is the best part:
Carol Garner Doughty is SUPER woke. Therefore she approves of all the herculean efforts to get rid of competent white males from the air-traffic control towers and install more incompetent minorities.
She was also 1000% for forced vaxxing and a rabid member of the Covid cult. The very things that forced a LOT of veteran pilots and flight attendants into retirement because they refused to acquiesce to that bullshit.

The direct result of her idiotic beliefs? Air travel in the U.S. is worse than ever. Most of the “weather delays” you think you are suffering through are actually due to ATC personnel shortages and incompetence. So in essence, this dumb shit Doughty did this to herself. I wish I could watch her suffer on a tarmac for 12 hours a day every day. It brought me GREAT joy yesterday reading about her whining. You made your bed, bitch. Now lie in it.
As for her “I’m never flying again…I’m done” bullshit? That’s just overly dramatic female hysteria and histrionics. She’ll be back on a plane within a month – despite her supposed concern for the planet.
Verdict: extreme moron and hypocrite.