Is the ridiculous, pissant organization known as the Trade Justice Education Fund losing its shine? Is Tucker about to quit or be fired? Methinks the answer is YES.
Here’s why:
#1 – the entire premise is completely ridiculous. Their mission statement is “Providing Awareness of and Expanding Knowledge About Trade Justice.” Guess what? Nobody gives two shits about that. What it REALLY is, is a trojan horse for communist ideas under the guise of “climate change.” But their topics are so esoteric and filled with incomprehensible jargon, the average person simply doesn’t care.
Here is a sample:
“Climate activists will gather outside the offices of businesses associated with the firm Ruby River Capital at multiple locations across the United States and Canada today, urging the company to drop its trade suit seeking $1 billion over a Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) project permitting decision. The demonstrations are part of a coordinated cross-border day of action against Ruby River’s suit and the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system under which the suit was brought.“
Last year, their big cause was getting Covid vaccines to Africans, or something. That would be the vaccine that maims people for a “pandemic” that ended years ago.
#2 – that above statement was in regards to a BIG RALLY in Austin, TX today at 11am on a work day. Guess who the organizer is? Our buddy Clayton Tucker:

But Clayton has not mentioned this ridiculous rally ONCE on all of his many social media sites! Clayton Tucker LIVES for going down to Austin and marching around for retarded and hopeless causes that nobody cares about. It’s his entire goddamned raison d’être.

So either he completely blew today’s event off, or even HE realizes it’s such a moronic cause that he’s embarrassed to even mention it….and this is a chick who doesn’t embarrass easily.
#3 – Clayton is a “program associate” with TJEF and he lists it as his primary job these days. It’s how he supposedly supports himself so he can do all the fake ranching in his free time. So if you are supposedly on the payroll as an “organizer” for this joke group, you’d think you’d not only be at this stupid rally but promoting the shit out of it on your 27 different social media sites.
He’s not. Something is afoot. But his Bernie Bro Kristi Lara managed to drive three hours from Dallas to display her extremely sorry sign with two other losers who apparently don’t have to work either. Gotta love that tight close-up shot to hide the fact they are the only three there. I’ll bet the nerd in the striped shirt was just walking by and they handed him that shitty sign to pose with…
Talk about mailing it in! Holy shit. Two tiny shitty signs, both clearly written with the same marker in the same handwriting – likely Kristi Lara’s doing. I bet she doesn’t even have the faintest notion wtf this whole thing is about. But she knows Ruby River must be greedy somehow!
#4 – TJEF has seen a dropoff in revenue and has seen expenses explode. They spent almost $700,000 in 2022 [last year data is available] with only $475,000 in revenue – thus LOSING around $220,000. Between 2021 and 2022, revenue plummeted 21% while expenses exploded 450%!

Despite spending over $820,000 over the 2021 and 2022 years, they only have 321 followers on Twitter. LOL. They’ve been around FOUR YEARS, spent over $800,000 and only have 321 followers.
That’s about 200 more followers than I have on here, and I’ve spent $0.
Add it all up? I think Clayton will be jettisoned from TJEF one way or another this year. Just like he was jettisoned from Our Revolution as it, too, collapsed into a heap of shit and disappeared.
Let’s wait and see…
P.S. – it’s hilarious to me that they spend a LOT of time on the TJEF site bitching about “Big Tech monopolies” and “consumer privacy.” Just four years ago, these same assholes were CHEERING as “Big Tech” like YouTube, Google, Facebook and the others censored and de-platformed ANYONE who questioned the bullshit Covid narrative or the shitty vaccines. Reap what you sow, bitches. And as always, I hope you socialists get hit by a city bus down in Austin.