Like the fat, pale worm at the bottom of a tequila bottle, so doth Clayton Tucker lay there marinating in envy juice. For a guy who can’t even earn enough money at age 33 to move into his own apartment and away from mom, he SURE spends a lot of time worrying about how much Jeff Bezos pays in taxes every year….

“Us”? LOL. Who’s ‘us’? I can just about guarantee that Clayton Tucker is in the bottom 40% of earners who pay $0 in federal income taxes, after accounting for all the “credits” and welfare handed back to those same people. Back in 2021, 56% paid $0.
You also play fake rancher on GRANDPA’S property, so you don’t actually pay property taxes there – gramps does. You don’t own your own place, you live with mom and dad. Again, you escape property taxes.
The top 1% pay 42.3% of all income taxes paid. But that’s not enough for shit birds like Comrade Clayton! He thinks it ALL belongs to the government to be handed out to lazy parasite like himself!

Bezos paid $1.4 billion on $6.5 billion in income. By my math, that is around 22%. Bezos paid $1.4 BILLION in taxes. That is more money stolen by the Feds in ONE YEAR than a freeloader like Clayton Tucker will EARN in over 1,000 lifetimes! Of course, Joe Biden takes that $1.4 billion, throws in another $140 billion stolen from other Americans, and then sends it all over to Ukraine to be embezzled by generals and a gay midget named Zelensky.
Let’s look at some other stats, shall we?
Jeff Bezos started Amazon in the garage of HIS (not his mom’s) rental house when he was 30 years old in 1994.
Clayton Tucker? Still living with mom at 33 years old and the only thing he does in HER garage is hang Ukrainian flags on it….

Jeff Bezos employs over ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE! That is 1,500,000 people earning a salary that is ALSO taxed by the feds.
Clayton Tucker? Employs ZERO people on his fake ranch. Has NEVER employed a single person in his entire useless existence.
Jeff Bezos has a website that allows billions of people to find exactly what they want at a great price and have it delivered right to their door in less than 48 hours, usually. People are literally throwing their money FREELY at Amazon in exchange for their goods and services.
Clayton Tucker? Claims to be a “fifth-generation rancher” in a time when the Internet has been around for almost THIRTY YEARS, yet he STILL doesn’t even have a basic website for selling his beef on-line!

Bezos’ parents were teenagers when he was born, and his dad was an alcoholic unicycle rider. In other words, his dad was an even BIGGER fuckup than Clayton Tucker himself. Yet look what he made of himself. He is TRULY a self-made man.
Clayton Tucker? Born an only child into a stable, upper-middle class family. Had every advantage in the world. Graduated college and gallivanted around in Asia on someone else’s dime. Was STILL not gainfully employed at age 27. Is still a fuckup despite having every advantage handed to him.
Jeff Bezos has given away BILLIONS to charity. Gave $120 MILLION to help the homeless. Has given more to charity than Clayton Tucker will EARN in 5,000 lifetimes!
Clayton Tucker? Handed out a couple boxes of shitty Froot Loops to the local mission once. Probably purchased with mom’s credit card. Has NEVER given beef from his fake ranch or crops from his fake farm to the local mission. Has likely never donated more than $20 to any charity in town.

Jeff Bezos: self-made man who earned every penny.
Clayton Tucker: grifter parasite waiting for mom and dad to die so he can have his own house….