Texas Rep John R. Carter Is a RINO Piece Of Shit. Voted For Latest Spending Abomination. August Pfluger Voted AGAINST – Good Man.

My Congressman is John R Carter. He is even older than Biden and the epitome of a RINO piece of shit

He’s right up there with Romney, McCain, McConnell and the other establishment retards who think it’s still the 1980s and the Democrats are “good people” and we “need to compromise.”

I got news for you, you old sack of shit: those days are long gone.

He’s one of these “go along to get along” guys. Doesn’t care what the debt is. Doesn’t care that the borders are overrun. Doesn’t realize there are communists infesting the highest level of government. Doesn’t care the DOJ and FBI are weaponized – he’s right there to give them more money for a new headquarters.

He sends me his shitty newsletter by email every month and has pictures of him holding giant checks to fund this or that useless project. Fuck him. He’s part of the problem. NEVER does he stand up against anything. What does he care? He’ll be dead in a few years, God willing.

Here are some of the abominations in the latest $1.2 TRILLION bill:

– $850k for a gay senior home
– $15 million to pay for Egyptian’s college tuitions
– $400k for a gay activist group to teach elementary kids about being trans
– $500k for a DEI zoo
– $400k for a group to gives clothes to teens to help them hide their gender

Not a single supposed “conservative” should have allowed ANY of that garbage to pass. The ONLY power they have right now is the power of the purse. Refuse to pass any of this shit and shut the government down if they don’t get their way.

Most of the GOP aren’t in an existential fight for the future of the nation They’re just second-rate elites who are resentful that they didn’t qualify for the cool kids table and had to slum it by managing the plebs.

Your way of life is about to disappear when the cuts to social security get here in a couple years. Your cat and your gay flag don’t play the bills. The money is gone. Thirty-five trillion in debt and Biden wants to spend another $7.5 trillion. You wonder where all the inflation comes from? Not from “greedy CEOs” you morons. It’s from shit like this.