The House Appropriations Committee just released a $1.2 trillion government spending bill at 2AM.
Slipped in there is $400k from our taxes funneled to Briarpatch Youth Services.
Briarpatch gives 13-year-old kids chest binders, tuck equipment, “counseling” all WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT.

Remember all these ridiculous earmarks and money wasting when the IRS takes their pound of flesh in about 3 weeks.
This was requested by Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.

Baldwin, a Jewish lesbian, has been in politics for over 30 years and has only “worked” in the private sector for a grand total of three years (1989 to 1992).
But yeah, keep voting for “democrats” because of “muh abortions!”
In other news, Ismail Mohamed won his race in Ohio’s 3rd district two nights ago, beating Abdirizak Diini.
He campaigned (almost) entirely in Somali instead of English. His campaign pitch? To represent the interests of Somalia.
This was the Ohio victory party last night:
He will join Ilhan Omar and many other inbred, 75-IQ muslims born in third-world shitholes in D.C. as they work to destroy America further.

Fun fact: Mexico (yes MEXICO)FORBIDS foreign-born people from EVER holding ANY political office in Mexico. They are also forbidden from becoming policemen, airlines pilots or members of the military!
Of course, over here we are letting foreign invaders become policemen, carry guns, join the military, vote in elections and hold office at ALL levels except President of the U.S.
How fucked up is that?!?
We would be wise to follow MEXICO’S lead and FORBID all foreign-born Muslim (or other) invader scumbags from holding these positions.
Of course, right here in Texas, we have a foreign-born Paki muzzie who took his oath of office on the Qu-ran.

I know this because Lampasas Democratic Party Chairman and avowed socialist Clayton Tucker endorsed him:

If you aren’t pissed off yet, there is something seriously wrong with you.