Intel Awarded $20 Billion In Chip Incentives For US Plants.

Joe Biden handing out $20 billion in tax dollars to a company that:

#1 – has a market cap of nearly $200 BILLION and

#2 – has wasted hundreds of BILLIONS on stock buybacks to prop up the stock and enrich CEO douchebags. In just ONE quarter in 2021, Intel spent $2.3 billion on share repurchases.

Personally, I hate stock buybacks because of this reason. I’m a free market capitalist, so go ahead and blow all your money on buying your own stock, but go fuck yourself when it comes to taxpayer handouts.

American Airlines did the EXACT same thingand they got BILLIONS from the government. Mainly thanks to that piece of shit John Cornyn.

I wonder if Comrade Clayton will complain about “corporate subsidies” upon hearing this story? I’m guessing not – since Biden is the one handing out free money.