Ouch. Eve got a front-page article in the Dispatch and she used it to kind of take a shit on all her workers. LOL.

I’ve lived here for 12 years now, but I was never a big Eve’s fan for several reasons:
#1 – I’m not huge into German food. Sauerkraut might be the worst invention on the planet – it is dog vomit. Although I do enjoy a bratwurst at the ball game once every five years or so. The schnitzel was good but that’s not something I crave very often.
#2 – the service there was always slow as shit. Eve blames that (in the Dispatch article) on everyone being too stupid to realize it takes TIME to make a good home-cooked meal! “Everyone iz on zere phones! It’s reediculous, you see!! Zeeze peeople zey are vasting zere time on ze iPhone and ze Tiktokken! Zey expect ze Doordashen and ze Uber eats! Zey are all retarded, you zee!”
Yeah, but it shouldn’t take 50 minutes for a fucking bratwurst, lady.
#3 – from what I’ve seen/heard, Eve leans pretty far to the left, politically. So I will always put those people WAY down on my list of places to spend my dollars.
Other than that, kudos to her. To keep a restaurant running for 29 years is impressive. The restaurant biz is a tough one.
But she DID kind of take massive shits all over her workers and the entire younger generation for being unqualified, inexperienced and having no work ethic. LOL. She basically said she can’t get anyone to work there – which means she just shot herself in the schwanz if she’s thinking of trying to unload that place on some new sucker or investor.
“She and her husband Steve have shouldered a heavy burden due to their inability to secure competent staff.” – Dispatch article
This is extra hilarious because the morons at the LEDC have spent 20 years and $7.3 million to build a “business park” to “create more jobs” while at the same time, the existing businesses here can’t find workers. An irony I have pointed out many, many times on these very pages. Too bad the LEDC is skipping their monthly meeting tomorrow or they could all have a good laugh about it!
Now, I agree with her in general when she does her crazy old lady rant. I’ve made the same rant repeatedly on these very pages. Today’s kids are mostly spoiled pussies who whine if they have to work more than four hours or put down their phones for 15 minutes.
On the OTHER hand, I heard from MANY former workers that Eve went out of her way to hire people who had ZERO service experience so she could train them HER way. I totally believe that story, knowing what I know about her. So maybe she brought this on herself.
Maybe Eve should have consulted local socialist bodaggit Clayton Tucker on how to attract more/better workers! According to him, all you have to do is offer them like $40 an hour and you will have all the labor you need! See? It’s so simple! Clayton lives just a couple blocks away from Eve’s in his mom’s house. It’s a shame Eve didn’t seek out his wisdom.