Roland Fryer is an economics professor at Harvard.
He’s also black.
In 2016 he published a study showing police don’t disproportionately kill unarmed black men.
SJW outrage ensued.
He says “all hell broke loose,” and he was forced to go out in public with armed security after he published a studythat found no evidence of racial bias in police shootings.
His Dean at the time, Claudine Gay, put him on leave for 2 years. Yes, the SAME Claudine Gay that was recently busted for plagiarizing and antisemitism.
When asked about her recent downfall for antisemitism and plagiarism, he said karma is a “motherfucker”
BLM spread a false narrative of police brutality and white supremacy. The false narrative of racist police officers hunting down black men is propaganda and disinformation, not supported by evidence.
A total of zero unarmed blacks were killed by police in Minneapolis in 2019 (where George Floyd died).
An unarmed black person is much more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a police officer.
Of course, these easily-researched facts did not stop a LOT of morons from running around in 2020 burning things to the ground or publicly calling the police “brutal terrorists” without a shred of proof. Some might even call that libelous!

No doubt many of these same morons contributed monetarily to the Marxist front group known as Black Lives Matter, or BLM. The BLM founders then took the money of these self-hating, guilty, liberal, white middle-aged idiot women [see above] and spent it on things like buying mansions for themselves in white neighborhoods! LOL. Suckers!
Black Lives Matter Secretly Bought a $6 Million House
One of those founders is Melina Abdullah – a Marxist. Let’s see what kind of garbage Abdullah is spewing today:

Clearly, this woman is an insane, grifter scumbag. So are the fools who supported all that easily-disproved garbage. Then again, nobody ever accused Stephanie Fitzharris of being very smart…..

The numbers don’t lie…