It was only a matter of time! Faced with the reality of ZERO prospects (even though the Governor’s office supposedly makes MULTIPLE RFI’s every single week, lol) the LEDC has apparently re-written some of the requirements for getting free shit in a pathetic attempt to get SOMEONE in there!
Here were the PREVIOUS requirements (circa 2019 – page 13)

Here is the LATEST iteration (page 5) – pretty much all the stringent stuff is gone:

So they started with “give us actual balance sheets and income statements from the last two years, federal income tax returns, financial pro-formas at LEAST 3-5 years looking forward”
NOW, it’s been lowered to “potential supporting documents MIGHT include business plans, financial statements, projected economic impacts…“
[Words like EXPECTED, POTENTIAL, MIGHT, PROJECTED are ALL red flags for bullshit. Clearly they learned NOTHING from Mike Cour or Martin’s Rod]
Quite a step backwards in proving to the LEDC that you aren’t completely full of shit. Kind of like Mike Cour ended up being full of shit and Martin’s Rod was full of shit at the Industrial Pork. Oh, and Mike Hardin, too!
They no longer want any hard evidence that your business might actually be viable – they are fine with more bullshit pie-in-the-sky fantasies about microbreweries, distilleries, tire-recycling plants with 200 jobs and vocational schools.
Pathetic. This is Talbert’s legacy. A $7.3 million dollar comedy.